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If you’ve never been to Van Sant Airport in Erwinia you’ve never seen these pilots who love to fly vintage taildraggers along the Delaware River. In the fall they enjoy the crisp cool air and the view from up high looking down at the fall foliage and countryside along the river.
Flying these vintage airplanes is not easy. They say it’s tail low, nose high on landings. And they just love the thrill of being in control without all the technology of today. Student pilots who learn this challenging style of flying develop better rudder and coordination skills. These skills will help them in takeoff, landing and taxiing.
Van Sant is the perfect place to learn how to fly while taking a flight back in time. Van Sant airport offers rides and instructions in several small planes and gliders. And they have many events open to the public. for more information, be sure to check out their website at www.vansantairport.com.