Come to Cape May, N.J. and enjoy the crisp night air and strolling carolers as you walk through the historic district and are welcomed inside historic homes, churches, museums, and inns to see beautifully decorated interiors. Don’t miss this highlight of the holiday season in Cape May, the Christmas Candlelight House Tours, presented by Cape May MAC (Museums+Arts+Culture).
A large selection of historic properties open their doors and welcome visitors to share the warmth and hospitality of the season during these popular, self-guided, walking tours. Strolling musicians entertain throughout the area on these nights. The three Christmas Candlelight House Tours of the 2024 season are Saturdays, Dec. 7, 14 and 21, from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Christmas Candlelight House Tours include admission to Cape May’s authentically decorated Victorian house museum, the Emlen Physick Estate at 1048 Washington St., and the exhibit “An Old-Fashioned Christmas: Holiday Traditions through the Years” in the Carroll Gallery in the Carriage House located on the grounds of the Physick Estate. The exhibit’s main attraction is a display featuring a Dept. 56 Dickens Village, model trains and vintage Christmas memorabilia, all beneath the boughs of a giant Christmas tree. While there, letters to Santa can be deposited for mailing to the North Pole.
Admission to the Christmas Candlelight House Tour is $45 for adults and $30 for children (ages 3 to 12). A list of participating properties is available at capemaymac.org. The tour is limited; it is strongly recommended that tickets be purchased online by visiting capemaymac.org or reserved in advance by calling 609-884-5404. Tickets should be picked up early after purchase at the Emlen Physick Estate. Any remaining tickets on the day of the tour may be purchased at the Washington Street Mall Information Booth, Washington and Ocean Streets. Properties on the tour are subject to change. Updates can be found at www.capemaymac.org.