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In April, Andalusia Historic House, Gardens and Arboretum (Andalusia) opened for the 2022 season, allowing visitors to tour the grand and historic property overlooking the Delaware River. With autumn around the corner, this riverside estate and National Historic Landmark is the ideal place to see stunning fall foliage. With 1000 trees spanning 50 walkable acres, guests can witness the transformation of lush green leaves turning to hues of orange, yellow, and red. Surrounded by expansive native woodlands and spectacular formal gardens, the Bucks County property, just 13 miles from downtown Philadelphia, is an ideal day trip for those looking to spend a crisp fall day outdoors in a natural paradise. Andalusia will close for the season on November 5, so there is plenty of time to visit and see picturesque fall colors.
Beginning in July, guests touring the “Big House” will have the chance to see works of art recently acquired from the estate of Christine “Nina” Wainwright, Nicholas Biddle's great-great-grand- granddaughter. These items, dating from the 19th and 20th centuries, include portraits of Commodore James Biddle and Nicholas Biddle Wainwright, a Mourning Pin with a lock of hair commemorating Thomas Biddle’s tragic death in a duel, a pair of classical carved tiger maple armchairs, and hand-colored lithographs showing the naval exploits of Commodore Biddle. An additional four newly-acquired works will be previewed in future installations.
Visitors are encouraged to pack a picnic basket and settle among the gardens, in the shade, or along the riverbank, for a blissful afternoon recess. Guests are provided with a map of the grounds to aid them in their self-guided garden tours. During the self-guided tour, visitors explore the grounds and view hundreds of impressive trees, shrubs, and herbaceous perennials, including:
• Trees: American Hornbeams, Ash trees, Baldcypress, Buckeye, Dawn Redwood, Easter Redbud, Elms, Hickories, Honey-locusts, Katsura, Korean Mountain Ash, Maples, Oaks, Persimmons, Sassafras, Sourwoods, Stewartia, Sweetgums, Tupelo Trees, Yellowwoods, Zelkovas, Crepe Mytles
Shrubs: Itea, Witch Hazels, Fothergilla, Diervella, Oakleaf Hydrangea, Bottlebrush buckeye, Viburnum “Winterthur”
Herbaceous Perennials: White Wood Aster, Blue Wood Aster, Crimson Queen, Cosmos, Lemon Queen, Black-Eyed Susan, Goldenrod, Joe Pye Flower
Fall pictures of Andalusia Historic House, Gardens and Arboretum and pictures of the auction acquisitions live HERE.
Andalusia will host three “Open Saturdays” this fall, offering the public opportunities to enjoy the gardens and grounds during the weekends: September 17, October 29, and November 5. The grounds are open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tours of the “Big House” are offered on Saturdays at 10 a.m., 11:30 a.m., and 1 p.m., and on Monday through Wednesday at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Admission is $20 a person
for garden access only and $30 for “Big House” tours with garden access. Children under 12 are always free. Tickets must be purchased in advance by visiting the Andalusia Historic House, Gardens and Arboretum website. Andalusia remains open during the late fall and winter by appointment only.
About Andalusia Historic House, Gardens and Arboretum
Andalusia, the ancestral home of the Biddle family, is surrounded by spectacular grounds that feature architectural delights and breathtaking gardens. Placed on the National Register of Historic Landmarks in 1966, the Big House continues to provide an unparalleled look into our nation’s past while allowing visitors a glimpse into the lives of a family that helped shape its future. Visit www.andalusiapa.org for more information.