Brannagh Masonry
As a child John E. Breslin began by carrying planks for his father, a fourth generation mason who began when he was a child working for his father in Ireland. In fact the Breslins have masonry in their blood. John is a fifth generation mason, a descendent of Irish stone masons. His business, Brannagh Masonry retains an Irish sounding name, which in fact is the name of his 7-year old daughter. Before having his own business he worked 20 years for his father. His love is historic restoration and he often works with two well-known historic restoration experts who help him to match details from 200 years ago so that when he builds he can use the exact mixes, sand and lime. He does many residential rehabilitation projects and is known for being a perfectionist, like his father. He has recently completed a wall that is 200 feet long and likes challenging projects. “I have masonry in my blood. I think the way masons think and it is part of my DNA,” John said. John is skilled in all facets of masonry and does stone, patios, block for additions, outdoor fireplaces and historic restoration and rehabilitation. He has a historic repointing certificate and has attained the coveted Angie’s List Super Service Award. To contact John Breslin at Brannagh Masonry, call 908-319-8835 or visit him on the Web at www.brannaghmasonry.com.