Ernestine Shepherd
by Vicky Waite
Usually I feature a new and even some old products, but for this column I want to write about a woman I have been following for the past 23 years. And what better time to tell you about her, since she is turning 80 years old this June. It is someone who I find intriguing and who proves that you can become fit at any age. Her name is Ernestine Shepherd. She actually was a couch potato until she was 56 years old. Never really worked out. But her story is one that will amaze you.
So for this column there won’t be any equipment to put together, and this leaves out. We will catch up with Bill the next time. But this is my chance to tell you about amazing woman who at 80 seems ageless. And through self-determination and drive she has become the oldest female bodybuilder, breaking the Guinness World Record.
Ernestine Shepherd is from Baltimore, Maryland. Ernestine at age 56 and her sister at age 57 went into a gym realizing they needed to get into shape again after years of neglect. There bodies were soft. It was now time to do something about it, they figured. They began working out at a local gym and they liked the results so they began to push themselves harder.
Ernestine and her sister were very close. Sadly, her sister died suddenly of an aneurysm, which left Ernestine devastated. She withdrew and got very depressed. She couldn’t get into working out and felt lost for a while. She had panic attacks and high blood pressure. She remembered that the two sisters made a pact with each other to continue to push themselves to be the best. So Ernestine eventually got back into working out and used it as a way to push beyond her sadness.
It was her sister who said that they would be in the Guinness World Book of Records as the oldest two-sister bodybuilders. It was her sisters’ wish that kept Ernestine going for the record. Along the way she met the former Mr. Universe, Yohnnie Shambourger and she asked him if he would work with her because she wanted to become a bodybuilder. He had her ready to be on the stage in just seven months. And she hasn’t looked back since! Through her diet and daily exercise routine she did it. She does it because she practices what she preaches.
Ernestine wakes up at 2:30 every morning. She says she never needs an alarm clock. She eats 10 egg whites scrambled and 16 ounces of water and a hand full of walnuts. Her mornings begin in the dark running with a light on her hat with her husband while singing her favorite song. Her songs and thoughts are positive—reinforcing the power of positive thinking.
Ernestine started an exercise class to train woman, and even men joined. Everyone is expired. Woman in their 60s are getting off the couch and working out with her. Her spirit and inspiration is contagious. She proves that age is nothing but a number.
Ernestine has a toned body, a flat stomach and toned arms and legs. Her appearance is young and fit. If you were told she was 80, you just wouldn’t believe it. She maintains the same schedule everyday. The routine includes drinking a mixture of egg whites too. And, she takes no medicines at all. She is in excellent health.
So it is never too late to begin an exercise program. Whether you work out at home or go to the gym. We all know that diet and exercise leads to a longer healthy life. The key is healthy. Being able to enjoy those golden years, by “staying fit at any age” is what she does. Collin Shepard, her husband of 59 years, that one thing is for sure; he just can’t keep the guys away from her. And, what do I have to say about all this: Move over all those sexy at 60 books and bring on Sexy at 80! Being in the publishing business, it really got me thinking! Asw ith any exercise program, always consult your physician before you begin.
Visit www.ernestineshepherd.com for a copy of her book "Ageless Journey."