Julie Lackman
Julie Lachman, ND is a Bucks County native and licensed Naturopathic Doctor. She offers natural solutions for members of the whole family, using homeopathy and herbal medicines. Homeopathy is a 200-year old system of medicine that has roots in Philadelphia with the naming of a medical college and hospital after the founder of homeopathy, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. Homeopathy has been used effectively for conditions ranging from migraines and arthritis to digestive and hormonal concerns, as well as for serious autoimmune diseases and more. She combines this with cutting-edge testing, like the new test for her anti-aging program, food sensitivity testing for informational purposes, and a new gut health/gluten test. Dr. Lachman is excited to provide solutions that have no side effects or drug interactions for her clients. She is a frequent speaker at hospital and other support groups. (267) 895-1733. 196 W. Ashland St. Ste 301, Doylestown, PA 18901. www.drlachman.com.