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by Susan Sandor
Garden lovers, horticultural professionals and anyone needing planting or design inspiration will be thrilled to visit this remarkable property. The tour is taking place on Sunday, June 9th .rain or shine. This event is guaranteed to get you oohing and aahing as never before. This is not to say that Bucks Beautiful has not provided the public with visits to other fabulous private houses and gardens over the past 28 years. But this selected property is unlike any other. Its spectacular octagonal house is perched on a hilly five acres notable for its unparalleled details and materials.
Imagine. Over 500 tons of boulders and stone were brought in to create this rocky landscape with walkways, risers, planters, walls, pathways, fireplace, water features, outdoor kitchen and a babbling brook. This immense project was designed and built in three phases in over five years by landscape designer, Justin Braley, of Sycamore Landscape Design Build of Doylestown, in collaboration with the home owners, Donald and Michelle Barder. The plant material is diverse and spectacular with trees, shrubs, ground covers, perennials, herbs, and succulents. Trees include serviceberries, dawn redwoods, sweet magnolia, Kousa dogwood, lilacs, pears and maples espaliered on a cedar arbor. The shrubs inventory is extensive including a purple smoke bush, cherry laurel, viburnum, weigela, boxwood, spirea, rhododendron, and several species of boxwood and hydrangea. There are too many specimens to list them all. Be assured that a surprise awaits visitors at every turn.
As with every tour, Master Gardeners will be stationed at the octagonal house as well as all the other gardens on the tour, to answer questions about the plantings. Landscape designer and installer, Justin Braley, will also be there to share in the dialogue about his multimillion-dollar masterpiece.
Tickets will be on sale at bucksbeautiful.org for $35 through May 31st and $40 thereafter. Think about making this a gift for Mother’s Day. You also have the option of becoming a Bucks Beautiful member and getting free V.I.P. Kitchen and Garden Tour tickets, which allows early access to the gardens. Just one of the many benefits. Check the website for detailed information. Proceeds from ticket sales help with the beautification, education and reforestation efforts by this non-profit organization.