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Forget what you’ve seen on trendy TV shows about organizing! S p a t i a l Reasoning is flipping the script on what you assume getting organized ‘should’ look and feel like.
No matter the size of your project, you’re taking on a huge change—and guess what? Change takes time (research claims it takes about 64 days to start a new habit to be exact)! That’s why we do things a bit differently. We believe in creating lasting changes and working with you in a way that is both sustainable and manageable. By taking your project one, three-hour session at a time you have space between each session to adjust your lifestyle as your space changes around you.
We know what you’re thinking— “But,I just want my space organized now!” Spoiler alert—big overhauls to your space aren’t sustainable. Overhauls lead to overwhelm and your space is likely to quickly go back to the way it started. That’s why we do it differently—each session is designed specifically for you and your space. Optional to add moments for movement and meditation.
You will end each session feeling accomplished, refreshed and motivated to continue.
Excited to start your project and do things differently? Schedule an inquiry call or complimentary initial consultation. Spatial Reasoning, 908-628-9596; www.spatialreasoning.xyz.
Sarah and Brian are partners in business and partners in life. By combining their seemingly different areas of expertise, this creative couple helps you move through your next project with ease and inspiration. Curious to learn more? Read our blog at https://www.spatialreasoning.xyz/blog.