Art Gallery su14
Jean Childs Buzgo
by Michele Malinchak
The day begins with getting her children ready for school. After sending them off, artist Jean Childs Buzgo is ready to begin her workday. It’s a short commute—just a few steps from the family room into her studio, but once there the journey into her imagination is boundless. If all goes well, she may even reach that super productive state she refers to as “the zone.”
“I’m primarily self-taught,” she said, “and I think that gives me more freedom to experiment, be more uninhibited and get into the zone more readily. Once I get there, things begin to flow. That’s when I know I found myself.”
Jean’s focus on her work is laser-sharp and she is passionately engaged in it. “I consider it a full-time job,” she said, making good use of her time while her children, 13-year-old Brian and 9-year-old Emma, are at school. “I always wanted to be an artist,” she said. She was told that even in pre-school, she would constantly stand at the easel and paint, much to the chagrin of her teacher.
To continue reading about Jean Childs Buzgo, turn to page 40 in the Summer 2014 issue of Bucks County Magazine.