Lisa Hanover
by Margo Aramian Ragan
We sat at a long conference table, which was easily recognizable as a George Nakashima piece. “His daughter Mira Nakashima-Yarnell has been an ardent supporter of the Michener Museum, and serves as a trustee,” informed Lisa. “She has been incredibly welcoming to me, as have other members of the community. Bucks County has a distinctive atmosphere which has made the transition from the marvelous leadership of Bruce Katsiff to me, extremely easy.”
The artwork in her office gives an insight into Lisa's personality. A massive abstract painting by Jimmy Lueders dominates the wall next to the Nakashima table, which Lisa uses as a workstation. The painting is strong, energetic with vibrant colors and seemingly fragmented designs. Adjacent to it is a disciplined, equally powerful but in a quiet way, painting by Charles Ramsey. Visually, the two paintings are united by the colors red and blue. And that is Lisa, full of energy and ideas yet carefully and methodically focused on moving toward her goals.
For more information about Lisa Hanover, turn to page 91 in our Winter 14 issue of Bucks County Magazine.