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By Vicky Waite
I was chatting with one of my advertisers Tony Dalton, owner of Fitness Factory Outlet in Quakertown, PA about fitness and health since we are both have been exercising for decades. Specifically, we talked about one special type of health therapy that faithfully incorporates into his daily workouts, and which is gaining popularity, and it is Whole Body Vibration (WBV). He went on to tell me that the doctors do not want you to know about it, and this right away caught my interest.
Tony has expertise in all kinds of equipment that he sells it every day. Tony is an exercise and nutrition consultant too. He opened Tony’s Gym in the late 70’s and never looked back. He was a WABBA Junior America Winner in 1981 and is a national body building judge dating back to the 70’s. His true-life joy is to help or support in bettering people’s lives through exercise and nutrition.
Tony noted to me that he incorporated using WBV therapy about 10 years ago and found that it has given him the following benefits. It has helped alleviate his lower back pain from herniated disks and spinal stenosis and has allowed for greater flexibility and blood flow. It also has helped alleviate pain and numbness which is associated with neuropathy and increased his ability to recover from workouts quicker and reduce muscle soreness.
The WBV assisted Tony with his weight loss because the vibration movement transmits energy to the body which forces muscles to constantly contract and relax throughout the session. And, Tony says it has significantly decreased stress and increased his energy and overall well-being. So, I was very impressed after talking to him and was excited to go check it out.
The day that I went to check this out, knowingly no tool box needed, happy-go-lucky Bill tagged along. There were different models to choose from with each having specific programs for specific needs. I went with Vibra Pro Genesis Elite which has it all, 28 programs and 99 settings.
As I begin trying the different programs and settings I twist and turn my body into different positions I very much like the rugged welded steel frame and the center main post that is also steel with the vibration dampener and swivel mount. It’s a very sturdy product. It has a levelling system with its adjustable locking foot support system.
Being a big fan of cables, the Vibra Pro is even equipped with the strapped cables which makes this a complete system. I continue with the Oscillation motion, cross lateral and dynamic wave motions. The cross lateral motion has a nice pull and this is one of the best ways to build core strength. With the multitude of built-in motion programs, I am getting a whole-body workout. Working my thighs caught me by surprise! Having firm thighs, SO I THOUGHT, the Vibra Pro had them vibrating and shaking up a storm. That’s what did it for me. I knew this is something else. For a moment there, I felt like I was back in the 50’s, a whole lot of shaking’ going on with Jerry Lee Lewis!
I went on to try most of the settings that targets all the different parts of the body and the vibrating really does the job. When I got off I still felt the vibration sensation in my body. This is too much fun to be a workout! The Whole-Body Vibration is supported by over 40 years of scientific research originating with the soviet space program, which did pave the way for the technology to be applied to the fields of fitness and health.
The Russian researchers were led to experiment with WBV technology and they did find out by using this equipment that they not only stopped bone loss, but surprisingly also increased bone density and strengthened muscle tissue! With usage of WBV technology the Russians were able to set a record of more than 420 days in outer space. The American astronauts, training on conventional fitness equipment were forced to stop their mission after just 120 days, due to bone and muscle degeneration.
It wasn’t until after the fall of the iron curtain that, The Whole-Body Vibration technology found its way to other countries. Today NASA along with fitness and health experts across America are fully supporting this technology while other countries have been using it for decades with much success.
The Vibration Pro Genesis Elite uses this technology and it does an excellent job of naturally stimulating our body’s lymphatic drainage. Tony gave me lots of information but what really struck me was a story about his father. His father is a diabetic and his mom called him one day and told him that his father had very large swollen ankles. Tony told her to have him start using the vibration platform so to help drain the fluid in his ankles. Sure enough, the next day, the fluid in his ankles had immensely dissipated and the swelling subsided.
The Vibra Pro increases human growth hormone (HGH) up to 36%. It builds bone density and fights osteoporosis. It boosts natural collagen and decreases cellulite while it increases basal metabolic rate. It reduces back and joint pain and decreases blood pressure and cortisol levels. It elevates serotonin and neutrophine levels for better mood and sense of well-being. It improves both blood circulation and lymphatic drainage and decreases your recovery time after workouts. It increases your muscle strength up to 50% in as little as three weeks and increases flexibility.
The Vibra Pro elevates your testosterone and IGF-1 output. It dramatically increases your flexibility and heightens your sense of balance and improves coordination! It boosts explosive speed by up to 6% after just one session. Need I say more!
For more information on WBV go to www.fitnessfactoryoutlet.com. And, with any exercise program, always consult your physician before you begin.