Garden Summer
Bartram’s Garden
Ongoing: Visit this National Historic Landmark and House, circa 1728. The grounds are free and open to the public. Guided tours are available of both the historic garden, as well as the Bartram family home. Don’t miss The Bartram Nursery, complete with native plants and those discovered by the Bartram family. 54th Street and Lindbergh Boulevard, Philadelphia, PA. 215-729-5281; www.bartramsgarden.org.
Ongoing: A 35-acre pleasure garden open to the public. The garden is a study of textures and forms, where foliage trumps flowers, the gardeners lead the design, and even the drinking fountains are sculptural. Educational programs are offered year round. 786 Church Road, Wayne, PA. 610-687-4163; www.chanticleergarden.org.
Longwood Gardens
Ongoing: Festival of Fountains
Ongoing: Spotlight Walks
July 8,15,22: Live Music in the Beer Garden
Admission. 1001 Longwood Road, Kennett Square, PA. 610-388-1000.
Mt. Cuba Center
April-November: The Mt.Cuba Center is situated on 600 acres. Its woodland wildflower gardens are recognized as the region’s finest. Guided docent tours are available by reservation. Special events are scheduled regularly. Admission. 3120 Barley Mill Road, Hockessin, DE. 302-239-4244; www.mtcubacenter.org.
Tyler Arboretum
Saturdays: Wildflower Walk
July: Bluebird Nesting Boxing Tours
July 16: Mushroom Walk with the Philadelphia Mycology Club
July 15: Pink Hill Tour:Tyler’s Serpentine Barren
515 Painter Road, Media, PA. 610-566-9134; www.tylerarboretum.org.
The Morris Arboretum at the University of Pennsylvania
Weekends: Garden Highlights Tour
100 East Northwestern Avenue, Philadelphia, PA. 215-247-5777; www.morrisarboretum.org
Hortulus Farm
May-October: A one-hundred-acre 18th-century farmstead and nursery operation. It was created by garden and event designer Renny Reynolds and garden writer and author Jack Staub. 60 Thompson Mill Road, Wrightstown, PA. 215-598-0050; https://www.hortulusfarm.com/